Friday, August 17, 2012

Unique Content Article: How To Make Money In Primerica

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>How To Make Money In Primerica</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by Eduardo Kooliantra</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'>Primerica representatives: Want to become a top 3% earner? Read on.<br />
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If you wish to become a top earner, it's vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family and friends about your business..<br />
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You MUST learn to market!<br />
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Here are 3 ways top earners dominate today:<br />
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- Escalate Your Level of Commitment<br />
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One of the biggest shortcomings I see among people in Primerica and similar companies is too little commitment. To build a successful Primerica business, you must escalate your level of commitment.<br />
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There are two basic types of lack of commitment:<br />
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- Investing too little time into the business<br />
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- Money: Under-investing in products, tools and training <br />
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With respect to time, new network marketers seriously believe four to eight hours per week is enough to create major results. Most network marketers seem to think just spending a few hours a week calling friends and family to enroll is going to generate a large Primerica business.<br />
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That's wishful thinking. Do you intend to make a full time income? Plan to invest fifteen to thirty hours every week. If investing that much time isn't realistic, expect to build your business up so you can eventually commit that time.<br />
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Virtually all network marketers try to start a business by investing almost no money. These people seem to think they don't require a marketing budget. Most of these people want to invest very little money on training.<br />
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These are serious mistakes. Over time you should expect to invest several thousand dollars into your own training and education. You are a businessperson, not an amateur hobbyist. Step up your commitment level to become a top producer in Primerica or any opportunity.<br />
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- Market With A Pre-Built Funnel System<br />
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Spamming Twitter, Facebook and your email contacts about Primerica will NOT help your business. No one on the Internet cares about your business. You've got to lead prospects through a gradual process of education and rapport-building to promote online.<br />
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To promote Primerica on the Internet, use a marketing funnel system. A funnel is a graduated, step-by-step process from lead generation to rapport-building and selling.<br />
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Your ideal prospects are network marketers in other companies struggling to increase their income. An effective sales funnel includes:<br />
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1) Marketing: Articles, videos, Facebook ads or other content that compels people to visit your website. The content on your website should be instructional and teach how to grow a network marketing business. The content should position you as a leader and guide to other network marketers.<br />
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2) Lead Opt-In Form: A place on your website where visitors can download a free educational report in exchange for their contact information.<br />
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3) Email Newsletter: An email sent daily with tactics and methods to increase network marketing revenue Selling affiliate products by email is also necessary. Instructional courses and systems for network marketers usually pay 30%-70% commissions.<br />
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4) Rapport: Webinars, live events or consultations that allow you to connect with prospects and develop a relationship.<br />
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5) Promoting Primerica: Once you've built rapport and screened whether the prospect is a potential fit, you can direct prospects to a presentation for Primerica. The easiest way to get a funnel is to use a pre-made system with all the websites and emails you need.<br />
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unnel with the presentations, emails and websites already created for you.<br />
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- Market With A Blog<br />
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Blog to generate leads automatically for your Primerica business. A blog is a simple website where you can post written content you have created. You can write articles yourself or hire a writer to write them. You can hire a writer for about $8-$15 per article.<br />
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The best blogging platform, Wordpress, is free to install. You don't need any technical skills to use Wordpress. With a blog, your Primerica business will get a lot of advantages:<br />
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- Enhance Your Reputation: Use your blog as a platform to teach tactics and strategies other network marketers would find helpful to their business. When you teach on your blog, you stand out as an expert in your niche. Many of your blog readers will regard you as a leader. A percentage of your blog followers will ask to become Primerica reps in your organization.<br />
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- Get Website Visitors: Using a few easy promotion strategies, your blog will start getting visibility on other websites. Getting free web traffic can be as simple as optimizing your blog to appear in Google search results.. getting a lot of website visitors to your blog is likely to result in your generating a lot of free leads.<br />
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- Leads, Leads, leads: On your blog, provide a free training in written, video, or audio form. Have your visitors provide their contact information in order to receive the free information. This converts blog visitors into leads.<br />
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Be ruthlessly consistent and blog every day. Make sure your content is valuable and not filler. Build a blog to be an automated lead generation tool for your Primerica business.<br />
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<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawabout'><br />
About the Author:<br />
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<div class='uawlinks'>Eduardo Kooliantra has coached thousands of people how to build businesses such as <a href="">Primerica</a>. Visit his website to improve your <a href="">Primerica Products</a> venture.</div><br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
<br />
Title: How To Make Money In Primerica<br />
Author: Eduardo Kooliantra<br />
Email:<br />
Keywords: network marketing, MLM, multi-level marketing, multilevel marketing, work from home, home based business<br />
Word Count: 814<br />
Category: Marketing<br />

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