Thursday, August 30, 2012

Unique Content Article: Life Coach Expressions - Why should I hire a coach?

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>Life Coach Expressions - Why should I hire a coach?</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by Marie Grigorian</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'>Ralph Waldo Emerson said "What I need is someone who will make me do what I can."<br />
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That's why people hire a coach. They want someone who will tell them their strong points, their weak points, areas where they can improve, talents they can develop and how they can financially gain from it. The relationship between the client and the coach is not all about the latter. The focus has always been the client and the coaching. Especially when you start accomplishing what you intend to finish from the start.<br />
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You hire a coach so they take a fresh and objective look at your life and business, because they know what to look for, they may see ways to improve your life and business you may have not noticed before.<br />
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You need a coach to help you assess every aspect of your life without being biased or partial. They help you deal with the aspects you need to improve on.<br />
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A coach can help you find out if your business is properly set up to achieve the goals you've set. He/she can help you come up with a strategic business and marketing plan that can help you achieve your goals efficiently.<br />
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A coach is also a good systems analyst where he can point out the strengths and weaknesses of your business processes. By doing so, he can recommend strategies or adjustments to make your business processes more efficient, giving you more time to concentrate on the income-generating aspect of your business.<br />
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A coach should bring in his/her years of expertise into the table. He/She keeps you abreast with new trends that directly affect your business. By doing so, your business can thrive and be successful. For instance, if you need to have your sales team learn new ways of marketing products, your coach will show you innovative ways and means in marketing your products.<br />
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You hire a coach to keep you motivated, focused and accountable in achieving your goals. Wouldn't it great if you had someone who became the "wind beneath your wings" and who would hold you accountable for those things you know will change your life and your business.<br />
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These are just a few of the reasons why people who need to go to the next level, hire coaches. Now that you've read some of them, are you ready to soar to greater heights?<br />
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About the Author:<br />
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<div class='uawlinks'>Marie Grigorian is a <a href="">Los Angeles Life Coach</a>, with years of coaching experience. She is also a <a href="">motivational speaker</a>.. This article, <a href="">Life Coach Expressions - Why should I hire a coach?</a> is released under a creative commons attribution license.<br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
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Title: Life Coach Expressions - Why should I hire a coach?<br />
Author: Marie Grigorian<br />
Email:<br />
Keywords: life coach, career coach, business coaching, coaching, business<br />
Word Count: 399<br />
Category: Coaching<br />

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