Friday, August 17, 2012

Unique Content Article: The Phobia Of Water Ands Ones Self Esteem

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>The Phobia Of Water Ands Ones Self Esteem</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by Jeff Krieger</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'> A person's fear of water can not just impact one's self worth, confidence, problem fixing talents and willingness to face and overcome other fears in their life, it can also affect relationships, careers and one's physical health. The fear of water, which may or may not be the result of a real traumatic nautical experience or a perceived one, can have far reaching and enduring effects, no matter at what age it develops. <br />
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As the Founder and Director of the <a href="">S.O.A.P</a>. (Methods Beating Marine Fears) Programme and an Aquatic Therapist, I have I have the unmistakable pleasure of watching my clients understand, manage and then defeat their fear surrounding water, as I help them consistently increase their Marine IQ. After they learn how to feel comfy, competent and safe in water, many take the very next step and plan and do items that they never would have dreamed of feeling excited or excited about doing. Marine activities like lap swimming, water aerobics, snorkeling, scuba swimming, boating, even just relaxing in water unexpectedly appear on their personal radar screen. A whole new world opens up to them and they embrace it with a fervour and a purpose. <br />
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Sadly , far too many folks, of all ages, fitness levels and life experience, never get to feel that thrill, that tremendous sense of achievement, because they never get the particular type of steerage, support and resources that they have to make all that attainable. Learning how to swim is not the same as conquering a fear of water, there is a enormous emotional and cognitive part that really must be dealt with before a dreadful swimmer can successfully concentrate and establish correct swim strokes. <br />
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Once the marine environment is no longer a threat, a consistent source of huge emotional agony, unexpectedly kids and adults alike, become happier and fitter individuals, who no longer feel lonely and damaged. They become able to appreciate the therapeutic benefits that are the result of being in water and endeavor to make the nautical world, their world. <br />
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My wish is the Marine Community moves forward with a global system that can help to reduce the stumbling numbers of fearful swimmers, which should in turn, not only result in less drownings and water related accidents, but a windfall of cash, as more and more folk become submerged in aquatic lifestyles. <br />
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About the Author:<br />
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<div class='uawlinks'> Aquatic Therapist, Jeff Krieger, the Founder and Director of the S.O.A.P. (Strategies Overcoming<a href=""> Aquatic Phobias</a>) Program, has a BA in Psychology and a MS in Counseling. He has been an aquatic professional for over thirty years and is recognized as an innovator and expert in helping fearful swimmers overcome their <a href="">fear of water</a>. </div><br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
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Title: The Phobia Of Water Ands Ones Self Esteem<br />
Author: Jeff Krieger<br />
Email:<br />
Keywords: fear of water,sef-esteem,swimming,learning how to swim,drownings,dread of water,phobia<br />
Word Count: 400<br />
Category: Motivation<br />

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