Thursday, August 30, 2012

Unique Content Article: 7 Warning Signs That He is Not Interested in You Anymore

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>7 Warning Signs That He is Not Interested in You Anymore</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by Marti Francis</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'>To break up a relationship is a tougher than you think, specially for a long-term relationship. In most circumstances when man is no longer thinking about a connection he does not want to be the one to end it. But even when he is already determined to break it up, he will take some time to give you some signs to prepare you, before he tells you. Should you feel that things are not going well, it is time to take a closer look at your situation and find a way to melt your man's heart again and to ensure a connection with him emotionally before the relationship going to a tail spin. Here are seven warning signs he may not be interested in you any more: <br />
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1. This one is the most classic subtle signal of all: his life is very busy at in a sudden. He has not answer the phone for a couple of days and when he does, he is busy and pretending that he does not have time to meet you. This is may not necessarily be a sign that it truly is finished, but when you had been meeting him often then there is not a positive sign. <br />
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2. Sooner or later, when he decided to spend some time with you he pays attention to the surrounding trying to find a task to do, or someone else to speak with. Nevertheless, when a man is interested in spending time with you, he'll give you as much attention as he possibly can in order to please you.<br />
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3. Is he deliberately creating some arguments over small and minute stupid things? If nothing you do or say so far pleases him anymore and all whatever goes wrong is your fault, it is time for you to worry about the status of your relationship with him.<br />
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4. If he does not check in with you often and shows no interest in what you've to say, or whenever you ask him something he limits his answers to "yes" and "no", he definitely has a problem. Can it be the connection with you that he's been missing?<br />
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5. He is secretive and no longer wants to tell you where he has been or who was on the phone.<br />
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6. He talks about other people's relationship status, their divorce or break up, as a good thing. Perhaps a friend just has broken up with his girlfriend and now he is enjoying himself with lots of fun.<br />
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7. He has not brought you flowers or presents in the last few weeks, if he's been doing this quite regularly until the last few weeks. He may perhaps really feel guilty due to the fact he could be thinking about breaking up with you, particularly, if you aware that he has been getting flowers and presents, but you has not receiving any.<br />
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In the game of romance, few things are black and white. Most of the seven points above are assumptions based on commonly used techniques. There is room for interpretations and misunderstandings but all this can make you wonder if everything is ok and discuss the problems you might have.<br />
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About the Author:<br />
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<div class='uawlinks'>Want to find out more about <a href="">melt your man's heart</a>, then visit Marti Francis's site on how to choose the best <a href="">Randall Bennett melt your man's heart</a> for your needs.</div><br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
<br />
Title: 7 Warning Signs That He is Not Interested in You Anymore<br />
Author: Marti Francis<br />
Email:<br />
Keywords: dating, relationship, counseling, women, marriage counseling, marriage life, marriage, family, social, human<br />
Word Count: 521<br />
Category: Attraction<br />

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