Thursday, August 30, 2012

Unique Content Article: How to Pray An Acts Prayer

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>How to Pray An Acts Prayer</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by John Arnold</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'>If your mind wanders during prayer or you feel like you are constantly praying for the same things, then you can benefit from adopting a prayer structure like the ACTS prayer model. ACTS stands for adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. This model sharpens your focus during your pray time by giving you an agenda to focus upon while praying. Also, you will expand your prayer vocabulary when you start regularly praying four distinct types of prayer.<br />
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Start the ACTS prayer by praising God with words of adoration. I praise God in three specific ways. First, I adore God, by telling God, "I love you, Lord." Next, I acknowledge God for who He is. For example, "Lord you are gracious, good and kind. Your mercy endures for eternity." Lastly, I adore God for what He does. For example, "Lord, You continue to reach out to us even when we are unfaithful. You seek the lost and redeem them. For your steadfast love I praise You, Almighty God."<br />
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You might find yourself drawn toward moving into thanks. I would resist that urge when you are beginning to learn how the ACTS model. Thanks and praise are not identical, though they can be tightly related. If you disagree, try telling someone "I love you" and "thank you" and see if the response is the same. Pure praise is all about honoring the greatness of God and expressing your love for God.<br />
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The next step is to confess what you have done wrong and acknowledge it as sin. You will increase your odds of changing your behavior, if you strive to be honest and specific when confessing sins. Avoid generic confessions. Don't make generalizations, such as, "I am not as loving as I should be." Instead state specific sins, such as, "I have been talking about Lisa behind her back. This is hateful gossip. God I know this is wrong. I ask for your forgiveness and want your help to change."<br />
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The third step in the ACTS pray is to thank God. Think about the blessing that have come your way during the day. Also, consider more permanent blessing like health, family, friends, and the gifts that God has given you. Hold these blessings up to God vividly and with a grateful heart.<br />
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The final piece of the ACTS prayer is supplication. To supplicate just means to make your requests known to God. At this time in your prayer begin to pray about the needs of others and you own needs as well. The Apostle Paul often prayed for the spiritual growth of people. Consider Paul's example and don't forget to intercede for people to grow in Christ.<br />
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Getting use to the ACTS prayer model may take a few days, so don't be hasty in judging its value until you have practiced it for several weeks. I am confident that if you make your best effort to faithfully pray daily in each of these four areas of adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication that you will experience a positive transformation in your discipleship. The ACTS prayer is a deceptively powerful prayer practice.<br />
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<div class='uawlinks'>Looking to find more information on the<a href="">Acts Prayer</a>, then visit to find the best <a href="">online discipleship</a>tips and tools.</div><br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
<br />
Title: How to Pray An Acts Prayer<br />
Author: John Arnold<br />
Email:<br />
Keywords: acts prayer,prayer models,prayer,online discipleship,christian discipleship,spirituality,religion<br />
Word Count: 517<br />
Category: Spirituality<br />

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