Saturday, August 18, 2012

Unique Content Article: What you need to know before you decide to choose the first staff member

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>What you need to know before you decide to choose the first staff member</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by Kat Mueller</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'>You have that new business up and running now.~Finally you have set up your business and started it. This is something you've always wanted.~This is your dream come true. You work better when you are your own boss.~You are your own boss and feel good about it. Now your business is growing and it's time to consider your first hire.~Your venture has started prospering and you need a help to run it. You are in this by yourself so you are going to have to learn all the ropes.~Since you are independent you ought to learn all the tricks yourself. You're new so you are going to need some pointers.~Being a novice yourself, you may need some ideas. What are you looking for?~What should you look for in a new employee?<br />
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First, you have to be clear on what you are looking for in an employee.~Before you begin searching you need to have a good idea about your requirements. Make a list of the traits you are looking for.~Make a list of the qualities of the person you would need. You want someone who is honest, able to learn your business, and mature.~The person has to be honest, mature and intelligent enough to learn things. Put these things on your list and study it before the interview.~Include all these attributes in your list prior to calling him or her for interview. You will have more confidence when you have someone in front of you.~Once the applicant is sitting across your desk, you may feel more confident.<br />
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Create a job description.~A detailed job description is very important. Be clear about what his person is going to have to do.~You may have to think about all the work you may be giving this person. Is this a job for a man or woman?~Decide whether a man or woman would suit the job. Does it matter?~Is it relevant? What kind of education is required?~What are the educational qualification you are looking for? What kind of skills will you be looking for?~Which are the specific skills suitable for the work? All these thing are important.~These are vital aspects of the job interview.<br />
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Now you want to create a Notice of Job Opening.~Making an announcement of the Job Opening is the next step. You will use this to inform recruitment firms, job fairs and other places that hire people.~You can send this information to recruitment firms and other job portals. Distribute this to as many places as you can.~You may also publish this at various places. You want a wide variety of potential hires.~This is needed to get a good number of applicant to select from. You can also post on bulletin boards and other public places that allow you to do so.~You may also put up notices at various public places and bulletin boards.<br />
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Take your time.~Use as much time as you need. You don't have to be in a hurry here.~There is no need to hurry things. You know what you want and there are plenty of people out there looking for a job.~You have a good idea of your requirements and also have many applicants. You can afford to be fussy.~No harm in being a little fussy. Commit to getting the very best.~Make sure that you hire the best person. You are investing in your business and you want quality.~Since this is your own business do not compromise on anything.<br />
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Use a rating system so you can go back and chose the one, that has the highest rating.~Develop a system in which you can give rating for each applicant interviewed. That way, you will not lose someone because you had so many to interview.~This will ensure that you would not miss the most suitable candidate when you interview many people. Create an employment application to collect all of the information.~A good idea would be to make a comprehensive job application form. It will free your mind so you concentrate on the interview.~You can study this application form before the interview.<br />
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Make sure you pay particular attention to their work history.~Previous work experience is an important aspect of job application. Has this person moved around a lot?~See whether he jumps jobs frequently. Do they seem reliable in other employment experience?~Considering his previous employment history, is he dependable?<br />
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Make sure you consider drug tests.~Drug addiction is another aspect you should test. You don't what to find out later that your wonderful talent is using.~It would be better to ensure this before it is too late. That's never good for any business.~Drug users are can never be trusted even if they are talented.<br />
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Consider a pre-hire character assessment.~Pre-hire assessment of character can also be undertaken. You can find several on the internet.~There are many on the web who would do this for you.<br />
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Consider getting some outside help such as a hiring agency.~Using a hiring agency is also a good option. They do this stuff all the time and can be a great help with your first hire.~You can depend on their experience when you are hiring your first employee.<br />
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If you go at this intelligently and do your work before hand, you will be able to find someone that you can count on to help you in your new business.~It would not be difficult to find out the most suitable person for helping your business, if you consider all these suggestions and do some planning beforehand.<br />
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<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawabout'><br />
About the Author:<br />
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<div class='uawlinks'>I am a contributor for the website <a href=""></a> the primary resource for employment forms online. Come check out our information packed write up on <a href=""> Old Navy applications<a/>.</div><br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
<br />
Title: What you need to know before you decide to choose the first staff member<br />
Author: Kat Mueller<br />
Email:<br />
Keywords: hiring,jobs,hiring tips,business hiring,business tips,start up,start up tips<br />
Word Count: 947<br />
Category: Entrepreneurs<br />

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