Saturday, August 18, 2012

Unique Content Article: How To Handle Criticism Assertively

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>How To Handle Criticism Assertively</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by Ted Bong</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'>Most of us have found it challenging to deal with criticism assertively in our lives, but once you're familiar with the correct assertiveness techniques criticism gets far easier to deal with. Criticism in itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it may consist of good information that we can learn and improve from. That said, in some cases criticism may be detrimental in cases where it's wrong or when it is presented badly.<br />
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3 Assertiveness Techniques To Handle Criticism<br />
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Usually, most people don't contend with criticism positively. They either get upset and aggressive at the person criticizing them or they just pull away. Regardless, these are not good reactions to criticism.<br />
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Here are some useful assertiveness techniques to contend with criticism:<br />
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1. Negative Inquiry<br />
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Negative inquiry consists of indistinctly challenging the criticism by questioning it. For instance:<br />
<br />
Criticism: "You are not carrying out your job adequately."<br />
<br />
Reaction: "How exactly do you think I am not carrying out my work well?"<br />
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By employing negative inquiry, it is possible to clarify an ambiguous criticism and transform it into one that is straightforward that you can either agree to and learn from or totally reject.<br />
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2. Fogging<br />
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Fogging involves picking up a minor part of the criticism that you agree with and making use of it to provide a starting point to stand up for yourself. E.g.:<br />
<br />
Criticism: "You are unemployed, and you're thoroughly wasting your life."<br />
<br />
Reply: "It's true, I'm unemployed, but"<br />
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By utilizing the fogging technique, you lessen the strength of the criticism and give yourself the opportunity to give a different explanation.<br />
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3. Disagreement<br />
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Ultimately, if there is basically nothing positive for you to derive from the criticism, or if it is simply wrong, you have the right to not accept it. A good way to not accept a criticism without being thought of as aggressive is to contend against its premise. To illustrate:<br />
<br />
Criticism: "You rarely do a single thing around the house, you just watch television the whole night."<br />
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Reply: "That is far from the truth. It might look like I watch TV the majority of the night but I help out quite a bit around the house as well, like disposing of the rubbish, maintaining the garden and cleaning the dishes."<br />
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Most importantly, bear in mind that you do not have to tolerate any criticism if you do not choose to, especially when it is detrimental and comes from someone who doesn't have your ultimate good in mind.<br />
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About the Author:<br />
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<div class='uawlinks'>Make sure that you're up to date with the latest <a href="">assertiveness training</a> practices and techniques, especially when it comes to <a href="">how to handle criticism</a> assertively. Visit my blog to catch yourself up today!</div><br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
<br />
Title: How To Handle Criticism Assertively<br />
Author: Ted Bong<br />
Email:<br />
Keywords: how to deal with criticism, assertiveness training, handling criticism,dealing with conflict, criticism, relationship advice,personal development, psychology, career advice, relationships<br />
Word Count: 408<br />
Category: Motivation<br />

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