Friday, September 28, 2012

Unique Content Article: How Energy Cord Cutting Works In Our Lives

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>How Energy Cord Cutting Works In Our Lives</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by Patrice McCoy</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'>A cord is a bond that ties two or more people together. There are two types of bonds, negative bond and positive both. Energy cord cutting is a process used to stop the negative feelings between two or more people. This process helps to relieve people and encourage them to continue living with a positive outlook.<br />
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Positive ties are good feelings that you have towards another person. You can have the feeling of love, respect and faithfulness to someone. It does not necessarily refer to those that are blood related. These feelings can be held by anyone such as a friend at work, a schoolmate or a stranger. Positive feelings are strong enough to make sacrifices in certain occasions.<br />
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Negative feelings are certain bad feelings that one has against another person. These feelings can be those of bad intent anger, regret and lack of trust. They may have emerged after a betrayal in life by a friend or even parent. They are so negative that one wishes bad things for the other. People can pretend to love one another but in real sense they anchor hatred within them. These people can still have contact with one another but the bad emotions do not allow them to communicate.<br />
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Cord cutting is very important in our daily lives since we all have different interests and feelings. People wrong us daily and we end up holding grudges. Grudges are a type of negative bonds between people. They seem to be heavy burdens since friends are never forgotten even if they betrayed us. All the time they are remembered, bad feelings come about. Through untying the bond we try and forget the past. One has to focus on the present.<br />
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Untying these bonds helps one to move on well with life. All relationships in the future are improved and tend to be the best. One of the most important bonds to cut is then one between you and your parents and siblings. These are people we meet every time in our lives. These bonds could have emerged while still young but you may have not noticed. Feelings of hatred or cruelty can be anchored within someone but they are too shy to show them off. Those feelings are tight bonds that if not untied at the right time can cause harm to many people.<br />
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In cord cutting there are also minor and major bonds involved. These bonds are closely related to positive and negative ties. The difference is that they do not contain hatred. Major bonds are in-born. They are natural and in most cases form between parents and siblings or among the siblings themselves. In such cases the parties find it so comfortable and easier relating with the other. Minor cords are mostly formed after a quarrel over a certain issue that happened in the past.<br />
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Link cutting will only succeed if the clients have accepted to end the emotions. They have to realize that they were undergoing some difficulties in their past lives. Their lives seem to be incomplete and heavily burdened. Cords are also formed when one does not want to accept the reality of life. During untying they have to accept reality to be able to do away with the negative bonds.<br />
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<A href="">Energy cord cutting</A> has been practiced by different people who find it applicable and beneficial. It is very important in a relationship since it strengthens the positive bond making it successful. Doctors have also proven it to be the best method of realizing strength and reducing chances of certain lifestyle diseases.<br />
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<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawabout'><br />
About the Author:<br />
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<div class='uawlinks'>You can visit the website <a href=""></a> for more helpful information about The Different Types Of Energy Cord Cutting </div><br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
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Title: How Energy Cord Cutting Works In Our Lives<br />
Author: Patrice McCoy<br />
Email:<br />
Keywords: religion, self improvement, motivation, attraction, coaching, happiness, motivation, inspiration<br />
Word Count: 600<br />
Category: Self Improvement<br />

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