Sunday, September 30, 2012

Unique Content Article: PPC V SEO

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>PPC V SEO</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by Clare Westwood</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'>PPC V SEO<br />
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If you are trying to promote your website then you will want to use the quickest method possible to improve the amount of visitors you receive and the amount of goals converted.<br />
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Pay per click (PPC) AND Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are both very different methods of driving traffic to websites. This article examines which is the most efficient method of marketing your website.<br />
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PPC and SEO can be run alongside one another although this can be expensive. SEO is a more long term method whereas PPC produces results instantly.<br />
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PPC can be as costly or inexpensive as you choose, it can help to test your SEO campaign and it involves lots of keyword research in order to identify the best terms for your campaign.<br />
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SEO provides long term results, it does however require more time before you atart seeing the results. Once your website is indexed by Google it will remain there for visitors to arrive on .<br />
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Regardless as to whether you choose to use PPC, SEO or both depends largely on your goals. Over time it will become more obvious which is more suited to your campaign. Often there is a trial and error mentality involved.<br />
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Often people think that a combined online marketing strategy will always work best. SEO and PPC are known for working well together. If you capture the right keywords you will see results fairly quickly.<br />
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If you have an ecommerce website the demands will be exactly the same as with any other website. Usually ecommerce sites have less content so SEO, PPC and social media are even more important.<br />
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Many people make the mistake of feeling like they have to choose either PPC or SEO, in actual fact it is all down to experimenting. When used alongside each other the results will equal an instant traffic boost.<br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
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Title: PPC V SEO<br />
Author: Clare Westwood<br />
Email:<br />
Keywords: PPC, SEO, marketing, search engine optimisation, pay per click, Axis IT<br />
Word Count: 307<br />
Category: Marketing<br />

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