Sunday, November 25, 2012

Unique Content Article: Subliminal Messages And Facts

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>Subliminal Messages And Facts</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by Ralph P. Smith</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'>Does the practice of self hypnosis open you to demonic obsession or possession? Is it a substitute for prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit? Is there any value in it for religious people?Many religious people are misinformed about self hypnosis. Here's an example. A devout Christian friend of mine said she didn't need hypnosis because she had prayer and the Holy Spirit to solve her problems. She thought because I was a clinical hypnotherapist I would now be substituting hypnosis for prayer - or even denying the power of the Divine. She disapproved of it so much, she tossed it off and compared it to Ouija board use! She just thought self hypnosis and God could not coexist.<br />
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This self hypnosis goal should be concise and precise. By writing down your statement of intent you solidify the idea of what you want in your mind and give your subconscious mind something to work towards. You create a self hypnosis goal!Ensure you don't include what you don't want in any self hypnosis program. Make your self hypnosis goal positive and success-affirming. For example saying something like "I am no longer overweight" or "I no longer have unpaid bills" is not how you should word your self hypnosis goal. When you focus on not being overweight your mind creates a picture of being overweight. When you think of having no unpaid bills you must first think of unpaid bills. This is true of anything in life but it becomes extremely important in self hypnosis!<br />
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The mind works with images! To illustrate this point I would like you to think of your kitchen. Where is the cooker? Do you have a refrigerator? What colour is it? Does the door open to the left or the right?Can you see that to answer these questions you must call up a visual memory of your home?Therefore you must create a written statement that only includes the things you want to have and it must not concentrate, in anyway, on the things you no longer wish to experience. Examples of using the positive statements would be "I achieve my ideal weight with ease" rather than "I am no longer overweight".<br />
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Self-hypnosis may be used to Improve the Memory Purifying the subconscious mind from impurities will improve the memory. Self-hypnosis can calm and organize the mind so that it can retain previous information thus improving memory.Self-hypnosis can Heal our Body and Mind As stated, self-hypnosis can calm the mind and spirit. This will relax our body and mind and is very effective in dealing with stress. Stress when taken out of our body could improve our immune system and accelerate healing.Self-hypnosis may be used in Dealing with Fears and Phobias Fears and phobias are human limitations that must be dealt. Self-hypnosis encouraging self confidence could change our attitude towards our fears and phobias. The reprogramming of the mind is the key concept on the effectiveness of self-hypnosis in dealing with fears and phobias.<br />
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The written statement and mental picture along with the positive emotions becomes your blueprint for success that you will program into your mind during self hypnosis. There are a multitude of great self hypnosis recordings available for specific needs (and also a multitude of bad ones) and once you have your intention it should be fairly easy to find one to suit your needs. However, should you chose to try self hypnosis without the aid of a recording you can follow the self hypnosis script below. Just keep practising your self hypnosis everyday until you reach your goal.Self Hypnosis Script:Before you begin your self hypnosis session position yourself comfortably, either sitting or lying down. Make sure you will not be disturbed.To start the self hypnosis session look at a spot on the wall or ceiling that is just above eye level.Now tense your toes for several seconds and then release the tension allowing them to relax. This lets you notice the difference between tension and relaxation. Next tense you lower legs and release, then your upper legs and release. Do this for all the muscle groups of your body until you have even relaxed your face and scalp.After only a few moments, due to the strain on your eyes, they will begin to feel tired and you can close them. This is a part of the self hypnosis induction. In your mind count down from ten to one while you take deep breathes. Then imagine that there is a steep staircase in front of you and walk down them into the darkness. Now count down from five to one.<br />
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Demonic Possession vs. The Hypnotic State The idea that hypnosis could relegate a mentally healthy person to demonic obsessions or possessions could come from the fear that because we are unconscious in the hypnotic state certain forces could take us over. But... we remain completely aware, awake and in control (morally) during hypnosis. So we needn't fear that invisible entities will gain entry to our souls.I've been practicing self hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy since 1996 and I haven't seen anything which hints at any alignment with the demonic. Hypnosis makes my prayer life more effective and full of wonder.<br />
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<div class='uawlinks'>Get The latest News about <a href=''>Self Hypnosis How to</a>, then visit, to find the best advice on <a href=''>Subliminal Messages Downloads</a> for you.</div><br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
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Title: Subliminal Messages And Facts<br />
Author: Ralph P. Smith<br />
Email:<br />
Keywords: Self Hypnosis How to,Subliminal Messages,Hypnotize Yourself For Success,Self Hypnosis,hypnosis,subliminal,self hypnosis<br />
Word Count: 876<br />
Category: Motivation<br />

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